Our service promise since 1998

Looking for costumes you need help finding for special events & performances?

Look no further than our...

Procurement of costumes based on client specifications; Styling & Sizing
Complimentary laundry services before & after event dates + flexible rental arrangements
QC checks to ensure costumes are in wearable condition such as:
- Minor alterations, Not transparent, Working zippers & buttons, etc.

What are our recommended leadtime & charges?
Consultation begins 5-8 weeks before your event
Full payment 30 days before expected delivery date.
MOQ 10 costumes, Per set: Online costume price ($X) + $25 service fee

Find out more

Looking for Book Character Costumes?

Tell us your favourite characters! If they are not already in our costume collection, we're happy to explore styling them or bringing in an entirely new costume for you!

Ordering for your School?

Engage our space and stylists to host your VIP costume fitting experience